
Rent an apartment in Bayreuth privately

We have 11 offers for Apartments to rent in Bayreuth. You can find your desired property there or nearby.

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Apartments to rent in Bayreuth

Bayreuth is a city in Upper Franconia with a population of 75,000. Rents are considered averagely high, although there are many districts where apartments can be found at low prices. But there are also popular neighborhoods that are significantly more expensive.

Rental apartments are particularly sought-after in the city center, for example, as well as in Gartenstadt, Colmdorf, Lohe, Oberkonnersreuth and Oberpreuschwitz. Prospective tenants will find affordable housing in Dürschnitz, Neue Heimat, Burg, Riedelsberg and Laineck.

Diverse range of rental apartments

With a little searching and sufficient household income, practically all apartments can be found. There are old apartments in the old town, loft apartments, maisonettes and classic two-room apartments or three-room apartments with balconies, as well as apartments and large family apartments with four or five rooms.

Rent apartments in Bayreuth from private owners

Search and find your new home in Bayreuth. We recommend that you search specifically for private listings. As landlords do not have to pay an estate agent's fee, rents are sometimes a little cheaper. This also allows you to establish a "good connection" when viewing the property. We only list apartments for rent that are commission-free or private.

Information about renting an apartment in Bayreuth

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