
Rent an apartment in Hanover from private individuals

We have 18 offers for Apartments to rent in Hannover. You can find your desired property there or nearby.

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Renting an apartment in Hanover

The state capital of Lower Saxony, Hanover, has long been considered a typical B-location for real estate. This has also been reflected in comparatively low rents. However, prices have been rising significantly for some years now. Hanover is now one of the most expensive places to rent in Germany, even though the metropolis on the Leine is still cheaper than other major cities.

Many developments are having an impact on the housing market. The city has developed a pull effect and has almost 550,000 inhabitants as of 2023. Some of the neighboring towns such as Garbsen, Langenhagen, Laatzen, Hemmingen-Westerfeld and Seelze, as well as the entire Hanover region as a district, result in an immediate catchment area of more than one million inhabitants. This number has grown faster than the supply of rental housing, so rents have risen sharply.

Variety in Hannover: from cooperatives to privately offered rental apartments

Anyone looking to rent an apartment in Hanover will find a wide range of options. Large housing associations have many properties, particularly in the city center, Vahrenheide, Ricklingen and Mühlenberg. These are often typical high-rise buildings or older rows of apartment buildings.

There are cooperative offers in many districts, although the waiting lists are sometimes very long. The proportion of these apartments is relatively large and has ensured that rents have risen comparatively little on average and that the many students outside the halls of residence can also find affordable accommodation.

A large proportion of rental apartments in Hannover are offered privately. These rental apartments are often attractively priced, as the landlords do not have to pay an estate agent's fee and therefore often do not push the rent to the upper limit.

Hanover offers many old buildings with spacious areas that are also suitable for shared flats and large families. There are also affordable 2- and 3-room apartments as well as attractive apartments and loft apartments. One special feature is the Kronsberg district, which was created for Expo 2000 and is home to predominantly modern and energy-efficient houses.

Renting apartments: affordable and expensive districts in Hanover

Rents in Hanover vary greatly. It is particularly expensive in the city center, the Zoo district, Kleefeld, Kirchrode, Waldheim or in List along the Eilenriede. Prices here (as of 2024) are around 15 euros/m² to 20 euros/m² - and above.

Affordable residential areas can be found in Misburg, Vahrenheide/Sahlkamp, Burg, Stöcken, Badenstedt, Ahlem, Mittelfeld, Döhren and Linden-Süd. If you would like to rent an apartment here, you will find affordable offers with prices per square meter between around 8 and 10 euros (as of 2024).

The trend is more varied in the formerly comparatively affordable districts that were popular with students and trendy people, such as Nordstadt and Linden-Nord. Gentrification there is leading to a significant jump in rents, although there are still affordable apartments to rent.

Take advantage of private offers and rent without an estate agent

If you are looking for an apartment to rent in the state capital of Hanover, you should consider private offers. You will find landlords who do not pass on estate agent costs to the rent and who, unlike a cooperative, do not require you to wait on a waiting list. You can find such offers here on ohne-makler.

Information about renting apartments in Hanover

Are you looking for a rental apartment in Hanover? We offer you helpful information to help you easily find a new home in the city with the Maschsee lake, city forest and Herrenhausen Gardens. This includes these offers, among others:

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