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Commission-free real estate directly from the owner in Teltow
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Population growth thanks to economic growth in the southern "Speckgürtel" region
Here on the southern outskirts of Berlin, in the "fattest" section of the so-called "Speckgürtel" around the federal capital, lies the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark, one of the most popular residential areas in Brandenburg. The proximity to Berlin and Potsdam as well as the good transport connections make the region, including its towns and communities of Bad Belzig, Beelitz, Beetzsee, Brück, Havelsee, Niemegk, Teltow, Treuenbrietzen, Werder (Havel), Wusterwitz and Ziesar, a residential environment that is well suited for commuters and, above all, characterized by a lot of greenery and water. In the very east of the economically prosperous district and thus directly bordering the Berlin district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf as well as Großbeeren, Stahnsdorf and Kleinmachnow, lies Teltow, a town of almost 24,000 inhabitants on the almost 40-kilometer-long Teltow Canal named after it, a place that is extremely popular with long-established and new residents and has a lot of potential for the future. Since the mid-1990s, there has been a remarkable and continuous increase in population of about 35 percent. The main reason for this was the settlement of innovative companies from the fields of technology, telecommunications and information in the 600,000 m² "Techno Terrain Teltow" (TTT), which was opened in 1990. The Teltow Technology Center (TZT), the first innovation and start-up center in the state of Brandenburg, is also located there, which is why the catchy slogan of Teltow's self-advertisement is now appropriately "Tradition Meets Technology. Where the nevertheless tasty and therefore well-known "Teltower Rübchen" were once harvested on the rather barren sand of the Mark Brandenburg, a good 7,000 employees currently work in about 200 companies. In addition, well-known companies such as o2, AOK and Direct Line have also opened branches in the livable city.
Neighborhood to Berlin and Potsdam causes rental and purchase prices to rise
This attractiveness has of course also had an impact on local real estate prices. At just over 10 euros/m² for apartments and an average of over 1,200 euros for houses, the rent level in Teltow in the exclusively good to mid-range residential locations there is already higher than that of the state capital Potsdam, which is only 17 kilometers away and also not too cheap. Purchase prices have also changed quite strongly and differently in Teltow in recent years. While apartments have surprisingly fallen significantly in price since 2011 from over 2,000 euros/m² to the current average of just under 1,700 euros/m², the same period saw an increase in prices for houses of all sizes of between around 1,900 and 2,200 euros/m². The average value for houses between up to 100 and from 180 m² living space in Teltow is currently 360,000 euros. In the course of the last two decades and especially after the connection to the Berlin S-Bahn network through the new station Teltow Stadt in 2005, several new and attractive residential areas have also been developed there, such as the "Musikerviertel" and from 2006 the construction area "Mühlendorf", which with its 500 residential units envisaged for the future is one of the largest urban development areas. The "Ruhlsdorfer Platz" residential area was built between 1987 and 1989, and the existing housing stock has since been successively redeveloped. In 1998 and 2002, two new buildings were ready for occupancy.Withinwalking distance and in the immediate vicinity of the Teltow Technology Center mentioned above is the "Flussviertel" residential area, another terrain with a lot of refurbished old stock on the western city border not far from Kleinmachnow and Stahnsdorf.
Many redeveloped and newly built residential areas for every taste and budget
On the eastern city border in the direction of Mahlow and Berlin-Schönefeld, there is again the residential area "Neue Wohnstadt" with existing buildings that have also been extensively renovated and modernized; a new senior citizens' residence was also completed there in 2009. Another attractive Teltow neighborhood with good to very good residential locations is the "Seeviertel", which borders directly on the Lichterfelde-Süd district of the Berlin district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf. Somewhat simpler, but now also in good demand, is the southern "Postviertel". Also still within the catchment area of the expanding city are the three residential areas of Blumen-, Mädchen- and Musikerviertel in the neighboring town of Stahnsdorf, which are also primarily good residential locations. The historic city center of Teltow around Potsdamer Strasse, Hoher Steinweg and Bäckerstraße also offers a colorful, not yet completely redeveloped, but lovable mix. In the triangle further to the east between Heinersdorfer Weg and Martin-Niemöller-Strasse, a new development area has also been created with around 300 detached, semi-detached and terraced houses complete with small gardens and a few apartment buildings. The future development of the Teltow canal floodplain in the north of the redevelopment area of the old town around the marketplace with the Ernst von Stubenrauch monument, where, among other things, a water-tourism city harbor is to be built, will probably make the center of Teltow even more attractive in the future. In contrast, a still very village-like residential area of Teltow can be found in the Ruhlsdorf district south of the city center. Around the 5,000 m² Röthepfuhl lake, the Ruhlsdorf Pig Museum, which is unique in Germany, the historic Bernardotte lime tree from the Battle of Großbeeren and the former estate cemetery at the end of the village in the direction of Staedteler Siedlung, it is still very quiet and tranquil.
Short facts real estate in Teltow:
- The location near Berlin and Potsdam constantly favors and increases the price of Teltow
- As the location of many technology companies, the city is attractive beyond the region
- An important development step was the connection to the Berlin S-Bahn
- The largest urban development area is the construction site Mühelndorf
-The Seeviertel district is highly sought-after and correspondingly expensive
- Teltow's old town is still undergoing extensive redevelopment and upgrading
- The expansion of the Teltow Canal floodplain, including a sports harbor, is expected to make the area even more attractive
- The Ruhlsdorf district south of Teltow is still very rural and quiet.
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