
Commission-free real estate directly from the owner in Hessen

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Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area play in a special league in Hesse

With its largest city, Frankfurt am Main (690,000 inhabitants), its stock exchange and banks, the state in the heart of Germany, which covers a good 21,000 Km², not only has the most important international financial center, but also the largest airport in this country. The "Frankfurt Airport" with its 58 million passengers in 2013 is additionally the largest cargo and third largest passenger airport in Europe. This makes especially the southern part of Hesse quasi equally a representative reception hall and the most important economic engine of the Federal Republic. In the very densely populated and highly industrialized surrounding metropolitan region of the Rhine-Main area, a good 5.5 million people live and work not only in Frankfurt but also in the state capital Wiesbaden and in Darmstadt, Offenbach, Rüsselsheim, Mainz, Bad Homburg, Hanau, Aschaffenburg, Marburg, Giessen, Limburg, Fulda and Wetzlar. In line with the large number of companies based here and operating successfully worldwide, with their high demand for qualified domestic and foreign workers, real estate prices in the south of Hesse have also been at a high to very high level for years. In almost all good locations of the above-mentioned cities and especially in the districts of Hochtaunus, Main-Taunus and Rheingau-Taunus, which lie to the west of Frankfurt, the prices for any kind of living space have been rising extremely rapidly for about 2 to 3 years. Cities such as Oberursel, Königstein, Kronberg and Bad Homburg, with their purchasing power that is well above the national average, are gradually becoming more and more expensive. Land prices between 850 and 1,150 euros/m², single-family houses for around 2 million euros, end-of-terrace houses for up to 630,000 euros, semi-detached houses for up to 600,000 euros and owner-occupied apartments for 3,500 to 4,800 euros/m² are not yet the general rule there, but they have long ceased to be conspicuous exceptions.

Districts in the south of "Mainhattan" are becoming more expensive, northern Hesse is still cheaper

For normal earners and/or not quite so wealthy investors it becomes thus ever more difficult to find in the desired districts and city centers of Frankfurt (6,000 to over 10,000 euro/m ²) and Wiesbaden (3,400 to 6,000 euro/m ²) and/or their direct surrounding countryside for example affordable again built free-hold apartments. Even the not-so-expensive nearby districts such as Groß-Gerau (1,200 to 2,000 euros/m²), Darmstadt-Dieburg (1,900 to 2,000 euros/m²), Stadt Darmstadt (2,800 to 3,300 euros/m²), Bergstrasse (1,200 to 1,800 euros/m²), Odenwald (950 to 1.000 euros/m²), Main-Kinzig (1,200 to 2,000 euros/m²) and Wetterau (1,700 to 2,500 euros/m²) are unlikely to be able to fend off the huge demand from the center of Frankfurt in the long term and will therefore soon show significant price increases. Completely differently and almost already completely contrarily the situation on the real estate market in the northern Hessen forms itself in contrast. Partly still conditioned by the decades-long existence as isolated and structurally weak so-called "zone edge area" with little industry and jobs the real estate prices stagnate and/or sink in the regional districts as for instance Fulda (1.500 to 1,900 euros/m²), Hersfeld-Rotenburg (1,000 to 1,600 euros/m²), Kassel (1,400 to 2,500 euros/m²), Schwalm-Eder (750 to 1,400 euros/m²), Waldeck-Frankenberg (840 to 1,200 euros/m²) and Werra-Meißner (600 to 1,200 euros/m²). Thus in these areas quite favorable good deals can be made, in view of the according to expert opinion however continuing migration from the land and a particularly in the rural area ever older becoming population the purchase of dwelling is recommended there only with intended self use, considerable net yield is not to be expected due to likewise sinking rent prices in this part of the country at least in the medium term rather.

Central Hessen and the university cities offer in the long


more chances than risks

Again, however, the opportunities and possibilities for central and western Central Hesse are somewhat better and more interesting. Thus in the region pouring/Marburg enjoys above all the first-mentioned time-honored university town a good call as location for the real estate purchase, there for example the average prices for dwellings rose alone in the last two years quite strongly and lie momentarily with scarcely 2,800 euro/m ² already scarcely over the average German real estate prices. For Hessian conditions straight amazingly favorably is still the Lahn Dill circle with dwelling prices around the 1,200 euro/m ², approximately more expensive is the district Limburg Weilburg with square meter prices around the 1,500 euro/m ². Almost again dimensions like in the further above described south Hessen reach the price structure however in the district Marburg Biedenkopf, there the price per square meter moves depending upon dwelling size between somewhat over 1,600 to approximately 3,000 euro. In the Vogelsbergkreis on the average up-to-date around the 1,800 euro/m ² with the dwelling purchase become due, this at first sight relatively high value may not deceive however over the fact that in this circle with the smallest population density in completely Hessen the prices lie usually far under this average, and can be thus also attractive for investors.Thedistrict, which has so far still been very rural, is already being treated almost as an insider's tip; for example, the money turnover for residential property there rose by more than 60 percent in 2012.

Short facts Real estate in Hesse:

- The price trend in Frankfurt am Main dictates the situation in almost the whole of Hesse
- In the western counties, prices have risen sharply in a very short time
- The previously still cheaper counties in the south of the city are also becoming more expensive
- Cheaper, but more suitable for owner-occupation, are real estates in the north
- pouring or Marburg profit from rising student numbers
- central Hessen is more heterogeneous than remainder of Hessen, here it depends on the situation
- the district Marburg Biedenkopf reaches nearly southhessian dimensions
- the Vogelsbergkreis is thinly settled, could develop however lastingly