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Commission-free Houses to buy in Niedersachsen
We have 260 offers for commission-free Houses to buy in Niedersachsen
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Hanover is machine, engine, heart and most expensive place in the whole of Lower Saxony
As in almost all other German states, Lower Saxony has been experiencing a trend for some years now whereby demand for housing of all kinds, and thus for houses of all price categories and types, is growing in the cities and their surrounding areas, but less and less in rural regions. In the country with the white Rappen in the coat of arms above all the state capital Hanover is affected by it, here in and two-family houses as well as mansions and Bungalows in good and very good situations as for instance the zoo quarter, in Isernhagen south or in the district Kirchrode can cost depending upon size already today well and gladly up to 1.2 million euro. House prices in the other large and medium-sized cities in Lower Saxony are not yet quite as pronounced, but are visibly on the rise. These are mainly in the densely populated and heavily industrialized metropolitan region of Hanover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg, where strong economic growth with a large workforce is creating considerable demand for owner-occupied homes. In this region, houses in Salzgitter are still relatively inexpensive, with an average asking price of just over 1,300 euros/m².
Oldenburg and the surrounding area are attracting investors due to their good future prospects
In the "City of Science" Oldenburg, which in turn is part of the Bremen/Oldenburg metropolitan region, which is also developing rapidly in economic terms, house and property prices have also been rising noticeably for some years. The average price for houses there of a good 2,000 euros/m² is already above the Lower Saxony price of just under 1,400 and also the German price of almost 1,800 euros/m². Even higher prices per square meter are currently registered in the city of Osnabrück, where an average of over 2,100 euros/m² determine the housing market. Closer to Hanover, but still more affordable, are houses in the city of Hildesheim, with a good 1,700 euros / m² there is currently about the same as the national average. The nearby city of Delmenhorst is seen by many observers as a coming great, because still inexpensive alternative to the above-mentioned and expensive Oldenburg, with square meter prices of 1,300 euros/m² there is still an affordable selection of houses there. Only slightly more expensive is the independent city of Wilhelmshaven further north on the Jade Bay, where the average has settled at a manageable 1,400 euros/m². The proximity to the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, on the other hand, is noticeable in Lüneburg, but average house prices of almost 1,900 euros/m² are still downright "dirt cheap" compared to the exclusive neighborhood.
Even in the immediate vicinity of the state capital there are still some insider tips
Still moderate, but in the last years strongly rising, are the house prices in the city Celle north of Hanover, here the average square meter price with approx. 1,650 euro/m ² strikes. Significantly more expensive, because quasi in the direct neighborhood of Hanover is the price in Garbsen, where one must invest already nearly 1,900 euro/m ² with the house purchase. For similar reasons steeply upward marches also the average price in Langenhagen at a value of up-to-date over 2,200 euro/m ², farther away from the national capital and therefore also with 1,500 euro/m ² clearly cheaper are houses in Neustadt at the Rübenberge. Wolfenbüttel, on the other hand, still has affordable dimensions with an average of 1,600 euros/m² despite its proximity, and Goslar is almost an insider tip in the same region with an average of just 950 euros/m². At a good 1,200 euros/m², house prices in the city of Peine are also still quite bearable for the budget, this surprisingly despite the common border with the Hanover region. Despite its waterfront location, the city of Cuxhaven is also relatively affordable at 1,700 euros/m², as is Stade, west of Hamburg, at just 1,400 euros/m². In the very west of Lower Saxony, on the border with the Netherlands, the price of a house in Nordhorn is 1,350 euros/m², and in Lingen (Ems) and Emden 1,400 euros/m².
Short facts Buying a house in Lower Saxony:
- In and around Hanover it becomes with few exceptions each year more expensive
- Expensive, because economically flourishing also Oldenburg together with environment
- Hamburgs neighborhood drives the prices
- The resin is so far still very favorable
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