
Commission-free Houses to buy in Schleswig-Holstein

We have 124 offers for commission-free Houses to buy in Schleswig-Holstein

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Who loves water must move to the far north and look at his budget

The unrivaled advantages of the federal state become obvious already with a view on the land map or better sea map, because where else in Germany one can bathe already in one day, if one wishes it, in equal two seas? Framed by the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, virtually within sight of Hamburg and bordering on the nearby vacation paradise of Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein with its 1,000 kilometers of coastline and countless seaside resorts is in a sense the "Cote d'Azur" of the Federal Republic of Germany. From extremely fashionable islands such as Sylt with dizzying prices of up to well over 20,000 euros/m² to still affordable but increasingly expensive towns and districts in the Hamburg metropolitan region such as Dithmarschen (on average 180,000 euros/house), Neumünster (approx. 240,000), Norderstedt (approx. 340,000), Pinneberg (approx. 370.000), Duchy of Lauenburg (approx. 256.000), Segeberg (approx. 280.000), Steinburg (approx. 200.000) and Stormarn (approx. 350.000) up to still quite favorable areas at the northern Baltic Sea coast and their inland like in the circle Rendsburg Eckernförde (approx. 230.000) all price segments are represented in Schleswig-Holstein in large selection. It almost goes without saying, of course, that in almost all regions of the state, prices rise noticeably with proximity to one of the two coasts; this is especially true of the northern North Sea coast and the southern Baltic coast. Favorable opportunities with some luck, however, are still sometimes to be found along the 42-kilometer-long Schlei estuary between Kappeln (average house approx. 340,000 euros) and Schleswig (280,000), which includes the two districts of Schwansen in the south and Angeln in the north, respectivelythe today's districts Rendsburg Eckernförde and Schleswig Flensburg separates.

Houses at the North Sea and on the islands are more expensive than at the Baltic Sea

Inprinciple since always above all the water situations of the country are extremely in demand, accordingly this strong demand affects however usually also the real estate price. Here, the North Frisian Islands in particular stand out, for example with up to 16,000 euros/m² on Amrum or Föhr; the water view is also not exactly cheap with up to 6,000 euros/m² in Kiel or up to 5,000 euros/m² in Flensburg. The Bay of Lübeck with its well-known seaside resorts such as Lübeck-Travemünde (3,500 euros/m²) and Timmendorfer Strand (2,800 euros/m²) is also not too cheap, although it is somewhat cheaper in Scharbeutz (2,300 euros/m²), where very good locations with an unobstructed sea view in new buildings can easily reach 3,000 euros/m². House prices have also risen sharply on the Baltic peninsula of Fehmarn, but for properties up to 100 square meters, they are currently only up to a good 2,100 euros/m², and for 200 only around 1,700 euros/m². In the remaining district Ostholstein the current house prices move however between 140,000 and easily over 400,000 euro. In the north adjoining district Plön one must count with the purchase of a 100 m ² house with an average price of approx. 2,200 euro/m ², for a 200 m ² - house with nearly 3,400 euro/m ². The district Schleswig Flensburg exhibits at present a range for house prices between approx. 130,000 and somewhat over 300,000 euro.

the Hanseatic city Hamburg and the proximity to the coast drive the house prices

upsummarizingandin view of the current development can be stated regarding the real estate market for houses in Schleswig Holstein provisionally that there primarily two important factors strengtheningly affect the price development. One is the relative proximity to and accessibility of Hamburg, which is increasingly important for both potential commuters and owners of owner-occupied vacation properties living there. In addition, Hamburg's house prices, with ranges of 450,000 to 800,000 in top locations in old buildings and 500,000 to 3.1 million in new buildings, are now at such a high level that it is far more promising, for example, for building savers and smaller private investors to try their luck on the not too distant flat land to the north. On the other hand the large and substantially over the respective square meter price with crucial factor is with the house purchase in the high north between the seas naturally further above already mentioned proximity to the North Sea or Baltic Sea. With very few exceptions the house prices in this connection rose at nearly all coast sections in the last years significantly, so that in the meantime also so far not completely so desired situations in the hinterland arouse the interest and will probably experience medium to long-term certain increases in value.Therule of thumb here is currently a distance of about half an hour's drive to the nearest sea.

Short facts Buying houses in Schleswig-Holstein:

- The cost of buying a house near the coast is generally higher
- The North Frisian Islands and regions near Hamburg are among the most expensive
- There are still good offers on the northern Baltic Sea coast and inland

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