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Prov. free: New hall construction

13599 Berlin (Siemensstadt)
on request
Cold rent (plus additional costs)
production / warehouse / commercial hall

New construction of flexibly divisible halls with a total area of 600 sqm, each of which can be divided into 300 sqm warehouse and 25 sqm office. The warehouse is also suitable for production with a floor load of 7.5 tons per square meter. square meter. Delivery with truck access is at ground level. Large 4.20 m selection doors and a ceiling height of 5 meters. Sufficient ceiling lighting available. Tidy, spacious, well-maintained separate sanitary facilities. There is a security service, center management and a canteen on the premises. Day rooms for seminars can be rented on request. Access is possible 24/7.
Prices for the hall 12.50 per sqm, office space 13.50 per sqm. Note on the energy certificate: The energy certificate is not yet available. Minimum rental period: 3.0 years . Handover/availability from: by arrangement.
Informative: Net rent: 7500.00 €, operating costs: 1500.00 €, heating costs: 600.00 €. Total rent incl. utilities and VAT: 11424.00 €. Commission note: free of commission for the tenant. This offer is managed by Mr. Uwe Strietzel, Tel. 0179/4504353.

Are you interested in this offer?

Object Number
Object Class
production / warehouse / commercial hall
Object Type
Handover from
by arrangement

Rent & additional costs

Cold rent
on request (plus additional costs)
Heating costs
600 €
Additional costs without heating costs
1,500 €


ground floor
Total area
600 m²
Warehouse/Production area
600 m²
central heating
Year of construction

Information on equipment

Special features: barrier-free access. Cable ducts available


Location Check



All INFORMATION ABOUT THIS OFFER, more photos and plans/floor plans are available via the exposé on our website. You can also request the complete ADDRESS via the contact field in the exposé on our website. Please use this link: https://KuehneGmbH.de/330008349 .
On our website you can also find out about other offers and make a note of your search requests or create a search request.
If you have any questions, just give us a call. We will be happy to advise you on your property search and try to help you.
By the way, if you have a similar property to let or sell yourself, talk to us. As experienced estate agents, we will be happy to advise you and explain to you without obligation what added value we can offer you.

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Offer from: Uwe Strietzel

Message to Landlord

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