
Commission-free real estate directly from the owner in Köln

Here you can find from 134 offers your commission-free property in Köln and surroundings

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House and apartment in Cologne - the city on the Rhine welcomes you

Art, culture, Catholicism and carnival - Cologne is a metropolis that stands not least for these "Cs". Founded in Roman times as Oppidum Ubiorum and then Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (CCAA), the city is now home to around 1.1 million inhabitants.

With its location directly on the Rhine and in the extended Rhineland metropolitan region, it is one of the most important cities in Germany. This is also reflected in the real estate market. This is because houses and apartments in Cologne are among the A-locations. What's more, the city is one of the most expensive regions in Germany.

The city on the Rhine is a sought-after location and a lively city

Cologne is not only home to carnival and culture, but is also an important business location. The glass industry, engine manufacturing, logistics and trade, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the European Astronaut Center (EAC) and the region's most important airport Cologne/Bonn create many jobs. Last but not least, the metropolis on the Rhine is a media city and the seat of the largest Catholic diocese.

Culturally, the city also offers a wide range of leisure and entertainment options as well as a distinctive nightlife. The nightlife is particularly attractive. Numerous events, concerts and parties attract a trendy audience and especially young people. These also include many members of the LGBTQ scene. All this makes Cologne an extremely colorful, lively city.

A-location with a stable population

Not all properties in the metropolitan area are disproportionately expensive. But Cologne and the surrounding Rhineland region are not considered to be particularly cheap overall. This is not least due to the housing shortage. Cologne has only grown moderately in recent decades. At the beginning of the 2020s, there was even stagnation or a minimal decline in population. Nevertheless, there is not enough living space. The location is attractive, but the number of apartments is hardly growing. As of 2022(Cologne Statistical Yearbook), there are around 568,000 apartments. At the same time, the city is considered a typical A-location with high rents and high prices for houses and apartments.

Save commission when buying or renting houses and apartments in Cologne

Unlike Munich or Düsseldorf, for example, the situation is somewhat more differentiated. In addition to very expensive neighborhoods, there are always districts or locations with affordable apartments and houses. Nevertheless, prospective buyers can save money if they prefer private listings. As these listings are commission-free, i.e. no estate agent is involved, there may be some savings potential here. A private house or condominium is therefore sometimes offered or rented at an attractive price. In the Cologne metropolitan area, this can be an advantage for prospective buyers or those looking for a home. But investors can also find a real bargain in a city that is considered expensive.

Left or right bank of the Rhine - important for the location of the property

Cologne consists of 86 districts, which are grouped into nine boroughs. These include the densely populated districts of Innenstadt, Ehrenfeld, Nippes, Lindenthal and Kalk, as well as more spacious districts such as Chorweiler and Porz.

Incidentally, these districts are called Veedel in the metropolis. Like Kietz in other cities, the term symbolizes cohesion and differentiation from other parts of the city. People live tradition and customs in the Veedeln, where social micro-scenes are created that breathe life into the city.

A typical feature of real estate in Cologne is the division between the left and right bank of the Rhine. The old town with its numerous historic buildings is located on the left bank, the "right" bank. Younger districts, on the other hand, are located on the right bank of the Rhine, the "schäl Sick" (wrong side). The right side is considered less expensive. The neighboring cities include Bergisch-Gladbach and Leverkusen.

Which district is on which side of the Rhine?

The following districts and neighborhoods are located on the left bank of the Rhine

  • Rodenkirchen (Bayenthal, Marienburg, Raderberg, Raderthal, Zollstock, Rondorf, Hahnwald, Rodenkirchen, Weiß, Sürth, Godorf, Immendorf, Meschenich),
  • Lindenthal (Klettenberg, Sülz, Lindenthal, Braunsfeld, Müngersdorf, Junkersdorf, Weiden, Lövenich, Widdersdorf),
  • Ehrenfeld (Ehrenfeld, Neuehrenfeld, Bickendorf, Vogelsang, Bocklemünd/Mengenich, Ossendorf),
  • Nippes (Nippes, Mauenheim, Riehl, Niehl, Weidenpesch, Longerich, Bilderstöckchen) and
  • Chorweiler (Merkenich, Fühlingen, Seeberg, Heimersdorf, Lindweiler, Pesch, Esch/Auweiler, Volkhoven/Weiler, Chorweiler, Blumenberg, Roggendorf/Thenhoven, Worringen).

On the right bank of the Rhine are the mostly sparsely populated areas of

  • Porz (Poll, Westhoven, Ensen, Gremberghoven, Eil, Porz, Urbach, Elsdorf, Grengel, Wahnheide, Wahn, Lind, Libur, Zündorf, Langel, Finkenberg),
  • Kalk (Humboldt/Gremberg, Kalk, Vingst, Höhenberg, Ostheim, Merheim, Brück, Rath/Heumar, Neubrück) and
  • Mülheim (Mülheim, Buchforst, Buchheim, Holweide, Dellbrück, Höhenhaus, Dünnwald, Stammheim, Flittard).

In general, you can expect higher prices and stronger demand in the districts on the left bank of the Rhine than on the right bank. The closer to the old town and the banks of the Rhine, the stronger the demand. Exceptions are a few expensive villa areas on the right bank of the Rhine or outlying areas on the left bank of the Rhine with many high-rise buildings, such as Chorweiler.

Coveted residential areas in Cologne with high prices

Expensive residential areas are primarily located in the city center (especially on the banks of the Rhine), but also in Marienburg, Lindenthal and Deckstein. Here, property prices quickly reach well over 7,000 euros/m² for condominiums and over 8,000 euros/m² for houses. Apartments and houses in Hahnwald, Braunsfeld, Müngersdorf/Junkersdorf and Stadtwaldviertel are also expensive, but somewhat cheaper. Prices here are over €6,000/m² for condominiums and just over that for houses.

Prices vary within these districts. Depending on the fittings and construction method, the selling prices for a house or apartment can be significantly higher. Commission-free offers can sometimes be below the average for comparable properties. However, there are always affordable houses or cheap living space within the districts. However, these districts tend to be particularly expensive and sought-after.

Rents keep pace with purchase prices. In the top locations, prices per square meter of over 20 euros are common. As with buying and selling, the apartment's furnishings, surroundings and energy standard are important criteria for the actual rental price.

Attractive prices for apartments and houses in Cologne

By contrast, owner-occupied or investment apartments are much cheaper in less sought-after districts. These include, among others:

  • Meschenich,
  • Höhenberg,
  • Buchforst,
  • Esch/Auweiler,
  • Humboldt/Gremberg,
  • Lind,
  • Lindweiler
  • Chorweiler,
  • Urbach,
  • Wahnheide,
  • Westhoven,
  • Eil,
  • Heimersdorf,
  • Neubrück and
  • Vingst.

Prices for houses here are only just over 4,000 euros/m². Apartments often cost a maximum of between 3,000 and 4,000 euros/m². However, there are also offers that are significantly lower.

There is a similar distribution of rental offers. As of 2024, these are generally above 11 euros/m². Prices can be slightly lower if the standard is low and the location is poor. The better the house and the location, the more likely rents are to trend significantly upwards.

Outlook: New development districts and price stability

In view of the sharp price rises in recent years, particularly in the prime locations mentioned above, most observers and experts on the Cologne property market expect prices in this segment to stabilize in the medium term. This is also shown by the fact that property prices have remained stable on average in the early 2020s. Rents, on the other hand, will continue to climb, driven by high demand in many neighborhoods.

New construction projects in Cologne

The city of Cologne has drawn up a future plan for urban development. This includes a series of measures. Among other things, many small new development areas are being created to bridge the gap between housing needs, energy efficiency and recreational value. These projects include Deutzer Hafen, Parkstadt Süd, Mülheimer Süden and Kreuzfeld. The projects are expected to create several thousand new houses and apartments by mid-2030, but will also be flanked by infrastructure, cultural facilities and improved transport routes.

Rents and real estate prices in Cologne remain high

Although the real estate market in Cologne has remained fairly constant since the beginning of 2020, prices remain high compared to other cities. Cologne is and remains a typical city in an A-location. The planned new development districts will not change this significantly, as they are rather small and could even attract investors. Anyone looking to buy a house or apartment in Cologne should keep an eye out for commission-free private offers.

Facts about real estate in Cologne

  • In Cologne, properties in the city center and on the left bank of the Rhine are generally more expensive than on the right bank (schäl Sick).
  • The exceptions are central Cologne-Deutz and peripheral Chorweiler.
  • The city offers many jobs as well as art, culture and a high quality of life.
  • Despite a sharp increase in recent years, Cologne is cheaper than Düsseldorf.
  • With a little luck and searching, you can still find prices below 3,000 euros/m² in Cologne.
  • In the top locations, the price increase seems to have come to a standstill at the moment.
  • City center and waterfront locations such as the redeveloped Rheinauhafen are particularly sought-after.

Price comparison for rents and real estate in Cologne

With our database, we provide an insight into the actual market development in Cologne as a real estate location. We have summarized the latest figures here: