
Rent a property privately

Here you will find from 2013 offers for Properties your property

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Rent a property!

Are you a prospective tenant looking for a suitable property? On our site you will find a list of commission-free private listings. Whether you want to rent a house or an apartment - we have a good selection of listings from all over Germany and in your area.

Tip: If you can't find a suitable listing at the moment, you can create a free search request with us without any obligation. We will then inform you as soon as a property with your desired criteria is published with us.

Advantage: renting is flexible

There are many advantages to renting. Perhaps the most important is that you are flexible. You can simply give notice and change the apartment or house. Unlike an owner, you only have to keep the premises in good condition and have hardly any other obligations. Last but not least, you can find a new place to live without a lot of capital. The monthly payments are all you have to spend on living. All this makes it so easy to rent real estate. These are all reasons why Germany is a renter's country, where the home ownership rate is comparatively low.

Why you should rent commission-free properties

If a landlord uses an estate agent to find suitable tenants, they have to pay a commission. You are not directly affected by this payment. However, many estate agents add the costs to the rent spread over many months. The costs for the apartment or house can therefore be somewhat higher than for properties rented commission-free.

How to apply correctly

If you want to rent a property, you should introduce yourself perfectly to the landlord. Therefore, read the advertisement carefully and answer all the questions mentioned and stand out from the crowd of applicants. This is particularly important in regions where there is a housing shortage and many applicants for one offer. Even with particularly attractive apartments or houses, you should make a first-class impression in your cover letter. We have published a guide on how you should formulate your cover letter to the landlord. We have also published further tips on renting properties. This will help you not only find a property, but also rent it.

How high is the rent for real estate in Germany?

How high the rent is or can be depends on many different factors. What is important is the local comparative rent, which is a good indication of the rent per square meter that can be expected or even permitted. This figure can vary greatly from place to place and even within the same street. Rents in large cities are often particularly high. In the countryside, they are particularly low. However, there are many gradations that also depend on the property itself, the location and, in some cases, the legal framework ("rent brake").

Small and large apartments are usually somewhat more expensive in relation to the price per square meter than medium-sized apartments such as typical two-room apartments or the classic three-room apartment. Special features such as a balcony/terrace, loft or separate entrance can also push the price up a little, but at the same time offer more comfort.

How expensive a property for rent can really be depends primarily on the location. We have published a rent index for Germany. There you can check exactly what rents are currently being paid for commission-free properties by federal state, district, city and town. This will give you a good idea of the approximate price per square meter you can expect to pay if you want to rent a property in your area or anywhere else in Germany.